
Just wanted want to say that I am slowly spending my time writing another article which I will post in the travel section on this website. I think it is taking me a lot more time then I was expecting. I was hoping to post it today and that I would also write a blog post about it. It is getting pretty long and it is going to be one with lots of pictures again. Now it stroke my mind that I might actually divide it into two or three articles. In the beginning of this year I was planning to write 52 different travel articles. I lined up the different destinations I wanted to write about. But I am not doing well at all on that plan time wise. So I reduced my goal from 52 to 12. But I have only done two and it is already may. But I have done some other things at least. But just hold on. It might explode later on. I can’t wait to fill up with some articles on the section about Europe. And I also can’t wait to tidy up the design for that part of the site. But that will be next month.
