The last few of days I have had a pretty relaxed time being engaged in painting again. This is something I like to do every once in a while at various locations depending on where I am.
Now I made the sequel to two other paintings I have made earlier, which I call “the creator” and “the middlehand” (I have a love for naming things, I find it funny and entertaining). So now it is a series of three paintings and I think I will name this last one just “the conclusion” (I actually wish I had better names for the two last ones). But sometimes it is hard to grasp what it really is.
The background is inspired from a town street view on Mallorca and the foreground is a face painted in colorful patterns, this goes for all three of them but they vary from each other. The colorful triangles flying through the air started from the top of the head of the person in the first painting, representing ideas, thoughts or creativity. This triangles ends up landing in the head of the person in the last painting. It is some sort of journey of a development. It is different for all of ours perception but from outside it might look the same. The angles of the face are different in the three paintings, meaning that there is different ways to pick up inspiration and that we all are different from each other with different abilities and ways to take in the world. The face painting witnesses about that they still have something in common. We are all a part of something colorful and complex, which we only are fulfilled as together. Right in front of the last face there is some sort of bright emptiness which is hard to explain, but it is a good thing.
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