My friend just got a mosquito in his nose. He said that he kind of breathed it in and I said that it sounds like a horrible experience. Grose! He surly didn’t enjoy that but said that it surly must have been an even worse experience for the mosquito. What does the mosquito actually thinks when this happens. Another guy started to wonder what an oxygen molecule thinks of the experience of being breathed in through someone’s nose and being literally used. Totally consumed, man. Come on, that’s a little bit too much. What a change of perspective. At which step into micro-perspective of the reality does consciousness end? Far before that point, most people would say. But does it really matter. Isn’t it the matter of that our consciousness can think in this way that is fascinating. Imagination.
Anyway, after we made that short film in Mumbai someone called me on the phone. It was a yacht captain in Thailand asking if I could come to his boat and take it around in Asia. Well, why not. I feel pretty much done here now. When I first came to India I thought it was love that brought me here. But it turned out being confusion. The girl I came here to see turned out not really being ready for a relationship. And I have been wanting her for over ten years. She turned out being very unpredictable and unstable. (Trust me, I have spent most of my energy on her the latest year). It have only led to disappointment taking turns with new hope, over and over again. That is all just another love story. It is a good one, filled of romance and emotions like rush and pain. But now it is broken in reality. But as Ernest Hemmingway said; “write hard and clear about what hurts”. And “Everything that has happened to you, you own, and is yours to do whatever you like with. Write about it”. So I have decided to write about it rather than continue to break myself over it. It will get to you one day. At least I didn’t leave India and Mumbai for nothing. And at least I did something cool before I left. I did some modelling and I made a short film. But life there was a struggle.
Anyway, after we made that short film in Mumbai someone called me on the phone. It was a yacht captain in Thailand asking if I could come to his boat and take it around in Asia. Well, why not. I feel pretty much done here now. When I first came to India I thought it was love that brought me here. But it turned out being confusion. The girl I came here to see turned out not really being ready for a relationship. And I have been wanting her for over ten years. She turned out being very unpredictable and unstable. (Trust me, I have spent most of my energy on her the latest year). It have only led to disappointment taking turns with new hope, over and over again. That is all just another love story. It is a good one, filled of romance and emotions like rush and pain. But now it is broken in reality. But as Ernest Hemmingway said; “write hard and clear about what hurts”. And “Everything that has happened to you, you own, and is yours to do whatever you like with. Write about it”. So I have decided to write about it rather than continue to break myself over it. It will get to you one day. At least I didn’t leave India and Mumbai for nothing. And at least I did something cool before I left. I did some modelling and I made a short film. But life there was a struggle.
I got myself on to a plane from Mumbai, stopped in New Dehli just to transfer flight to Thailand. And still I managed to get a “Dehli-belly”. I was pretty bad for a few days. I met two of my friends on the airport in Bangkok. The smaller one which has most of the domestic flights. I took a sleeping cell on the airport just before they arrived. I just had to lay down and sleep, even though it was just for a couple of hours. My flight had been delayed already from the start in Mumbai. Then delayed again from New Dehli. I had a struggeling stomach as I was on the shuttle bus through Bangkok from the big airport to the small one. And by the time I reached there I was exhausted and in pain. When I woke up and met my friends which I had not seen for a long time we had dinner and got on a flight down to Kahnom. A town further down south in Thailand. Close to the islands Koh Samoui and Koh Phi Phi. This is the only place in the world where you can see pink dolphins. It sounds romantic, ay? But whatever. I was going to join the yacht in Phuket on the Monday, but I just took the chance to see my friends in Khanom on the weekend before I got to the yacht. They are a couple. They guy I got to know at university back in Sweden where I come from. And his girlfriend is from Khanom. They are going to buy a house there and settle down. It was lovely for me to get to see them and to see the area. It was lovely just to get out of all the hustle and bustle of the mega city Bombay, where I spend about four month during the latest year. It was lovely to be on the beach again. To be able to just walk down in the sea and swim. To be free. But I am always free. Freedom comes from within. I had a nice bungalow for myself for a few days there. I spend most of my nights in the bathroom in pain and worries. Feeling like someone was kicking me in the back and driving an electric mixer in my stomach. But I was alrigth in the day times. As long as I took it easy. We went around in a car checking out all the nice locations and spots in the area. We went to the night market, had lovely dinners and lunches together. Both out at restaurant and at my friends girlfriends parent’s house. The Thai people are literally shoveling rise in to their face holes when they eat. What I mean with that is just that they eat a lot of rise. And the way you say “good morning” in their language is straight translated to “Have you had rise yet?”. It is all about rise.
When Monday came I took the bus for a few hours over to Phuket and joined the yacht.
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