Since my old MacBook broke down last week I have got to borrow another one which is similar, from my friend. It is also a vintage MacBook with MX Linux on it. It is the limited edition in black from 2011 but upgraded. Seeming to be working fine and he even offered me to buy it from him, which I will do. I like the old MacBooks for their keyboards. I love writing on them. But it actually feels pretty cool looking at the old screen, as well. You wouldn’t think it is a big difference. But it really feels vintage by now. He wants me to learn how a computer really works and I should lern how to run it through terminal. Try to use it without the curser. Only using the keyboard. I will do my best trying. Well the touchpad is one of the few things which might not be as good as it used to, on this old computer. So it would make sense to learn using it through Terminal, just by typing commandos. So I took a Udemy course for learning Linux. And that is what I am doing now in the evenings. It is pretty interesting. But I haven’t got that far yet. Besides, I realized today that I should probably go back a couple of steps in the course to repeat. It is good knowledge, but kind of boring.
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