
We packed up everything and got ready to leave the Maldives. The steering machinery on the boat broke down towards our last destination of the islands before crossing the ocean. So we had to go on emergency steering in to the anchorage where we were spending our last day outside of Male. We were wobbling all over the place through out the whole night before we got a hang of how to steer with emergency steering. You can’t see anything from the emergency steering station down at the back of the boat, so the helmsman and the lookout have to be in good communication. That’s just the way it is. It’s normal. We dropped the anchor and went out surfing instead (as I described in my previous post). Once back from that we were hand steering the boat across the Indian ocean towards Malaysia. It took us a few days, almost one week. When we well got there the first thing we saw was a big number of fishing boats that were fishing for squids. They had strong green light which appeared as totally alien to me. It was used to attract the squid but I have never seen anything like that before. Massive green lights covering the horizon where we arrived. Then we stayed there for almost one week in a marina as we were trying to get the broken steering gear fixed. We were on an island called Langkawi and I had a lovely time there. The crew got to have some time off and we were enjoying it in the bar as well as on the roads. With rental motorbikes we drove around to explore the island. We visited some waterfalls and beaches among other exciting places. Basically anything on land is exciting to see after been at sea for a week. Langkawi is a beautiful island, the weather was great and we were all grateful to have some time off.


 I was lucky enough to meet someone who’s beautiful eyes seemed to liked me. She shared a connection as a hotspot with a touch. Something which I for a good while long time afterwards truly believed in. There were lovely midnight walks on the beach,  overstays in the moon light and local street food. I am not sure if I want to write about it but It occupied my mind and my time for a long time after the visit on the island. We kept in touch for a few weeks after I left. Something which brought me emotions such as happiness and then afterwards sorrow. Which I now am grateful for. I could blame the miss outs of my weekly blog post on that or something.

One night there were an open mic night at a bar where I joined in like a rock star and got to borrow a guitar and play along and sing with a view over the marina. That was cool. I felt like it was appreciated and at the time when I was doing it I was strong and happy like someone who is rocking a stage with an electric guitar. Which I was. Apart from all of this, it was of course also some work to do on the boat while we were staying in Langkawi. Something which I find hard to write about these days. 
We finally got the steering machinery fixed so that we could proceed towards Hong Kong. We cast off and set sails out on the blue again.