When traveling it is good to be able to exercise just by using your own body. I try to go up early in the morning and get straight out under open sky first thing I do. Normally I just go for a walk or a run. Maybe combining walking and running just a couple of kilometers. That would take me about half an hour. I would normally stop at two occasions and do 25 push-ups (I try to do at least 100 push-ups every day).
Dealing with rutines
When finished walking/running, I get down on the ground and do a variety of exercises. Normally it is a mix of strength exercise, balance exercises, stretching. It is a mix of things which I have learned from people I have met along the way at different places (gyms etc.). Here below follows one of the typical series of exercises I would do either in the early morning or in the evening or both. I would normally get one or two days a week of complete rest from exercise anyway, so I don’t schedule that. I just try to exercise almost every day. Also, I always aim higher then I end up doing. So if I aim to work out every day. It will turn out being something like 5 days a week or so. My resting days have a little bit irregular intervals depending on the situation. Sometimes I do maybe nine days of exercise in a row.
And if I aim to do all of the following exercises, I might end up doing 7 out of these 12. Which I think is ok. But on the other hand I also sometimes keep on going much longer and do all the exercises I can come up with. Anyways, for me it is about the wellness and to be feeling my body. I am not really trying to reach any results other then being healthy. Of course consistency is key. But also variation to some extend. I think it is good to have the same routine for a few weeks and then change it slightly for the next few weeks. So that the brain and body does’t grow in to learning the tricks and be hacking it through the session in a less effective way. Cheating.
The exercices I do
First I would just lay down flat on the ground and breath as deep and slowly as I can and counting my breaths to 10. Then I would start rising my body up to this position as I breath in, and roll it down again along the spine bit for bit as I breath out. In the tempo of a “slow” breathing. Ten times.
As I continue in the same slow tempo with my breathing I would also continue with the same motion up and down with my body but this time using only one leg. The other leg pointing straight out. I would have to reposition the foot one the ground to be more in the centre of my body weight not to fall to the side, since it is now taking all the weight alone. I do the same exercise on both legs ten times. Unless I have a bad day. Then I might be doing less.
Normally I would do a plank followed by two side planks after these three leg exercises. But I forgot to take pictures of that (Maybe I’ll make one more post like this with that included). Anyways, then I would be doing this kind of exercise where I sit on my hands (not to load the tail bone to the hard ground) and lean on my elbows and keep my legs straight out. Then I draw in the air with my straight legs the numbers 1-10 as big as I can.
Followed by as many of every other side crunch sit-ups as I can do. Maybe 50 maybe 35. It depends. These I sometimes don’t do straight after the previous core exercise. I might do the crunches later during the session instead or do another exercise in between at least. To rest the core a little bit in between.
Then I do push-ups. Normally 25 at the time. So I would do two set during this section of my daily exercise if I had done 2 sets already when running/walking in the morning.
Then I stand completely static like this (like a mountain), as I try to breath slowly in and out ten times.
Then I slowly transfer into this position (like a cobra) and hold it static as I try to breath slowly in and out ten times.
Then I slowly transfer into this position (like praying baby) and hold it static as I try to breath slowly in and out ten times. Stretching out my wing muscles on the side of the back.
Then I do this one (superman), where I lay on my stomach and pull back my shoulder blades as I lift the upper part of the upper body off the ground. I started to do this one at one point when I had pain in my upper back. Maybe I had been doing to many push-ups over a longer period of time without exercising the opposite muscles.
Then I do this one as I am trying to breath slowly in and out ten times. I do it mostly as a balance exercise. I am not really sure how it is affecting my body. Maybe it is not that good and maybe I should stop doing it. But it feels pretty good and it is known as a common basic yoga asana I was taught.
Same with this one. I do it as a balance exercise while focusing on the breathing. Standing like this for about ten slow breaths. It is awesome.
Then I just straighten out my legs and stand up side down on my head with my arms as support. Standing like this and focusing on the breathing is also awesome for a while. But about ten breaths is enough. Sometimes I start to move around my legs slowly also and feeling how I can alter the center of gravity but still keep the stability balance. Doing “walking-walking” upside down etc.
Most of the exercises in this post are some basic yoga poses. But I might be posting another post showing some stretching etc. later.
So when I have done my little run/walk about 30 min and then done this exercises about 20 min. Then I meditate either 15 or 30 min.
Then I might do the same thing again in the evening if I like to. But not every day.
Hi Hi and bye bye. Thank you for the visit 🙂
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