Making a short film in Mumbai – Part 4 (Shooting)

The project was minimal, still it seemed like a disappointment was to come. We were planning to shoot most of the film in the room where we sat on the floor and wrote the so called “script”. We had to do it somewhere and it was not that much options. But first we had...

Painting faces – Part 4 (Edith Piaf)

Another one of the “black-on-white” faces I painted was a portrait of Edith Piaf. This face I remember choosing to paint because my girlfriend at the time, was playing some music on the stereo by Edith Piaf one morning on a weekend when I was waking up. A French...

Painting faces – Part 3 (Neil Young)

The next painting of famous faces which I made was depicting Neil Young. Who I many times have referred to as my hero. This since I started to look up to him as an artist from the first moment I heard him. I would say his strongest side is his “coolness”. Probably....

Painting faces – Part 2 (Scarface)

After painting the Marcel Proust – painting, I decided to try something more simpel and started look through my other book covers on the shelf without any luck. All images seemed too difficult to replicate with a pencil and paint. So then moving on to the film...