

Can traveling make you more creative? Is there like some kind of automatic research going on in your brain when you travel? Or is it inspiration that comes to ones mind while traveling, that can lead to improved creativity? I believe that travelling stimulates your senses and your mind in a way that contribute to enhanced creativity. 
If I look at all my creative friends I definitely don’t see it as if the traveling ones are more creative than the non-travelling ones. But if I think about it, I kind of believe that the non-traveling friends of mine may would become a little bit more creative if they would be traveling. And the creative travelers I know might have been more restricted in their creativity if they were not traveling. Who knows? There is probably no definite fact that is the same for everyone, you would think. But the change of environment is something I feel is inspiring myself. I kind of feel that I want to be more creative after I have been traveling a lot.

In every different environment you find yourself, your senses are stimulated in a different way. Different views, different smells, different sounds and different ways of seeing things kind of expands your mind. More input and impressions would contribute to your ability to express any outcome. Does that make any sense? But traveling takes a lot of time, so you must allow yourself to stop and give some time to let out some of your creativity. I mean, for me doing creative work is an urge. It is something I do as a sort of therapy. It is something that just needs to happen once in a while in order for me to feel good. It is not that I believe that what I am doing is any good. It is just something that has to be done. And it is not that I believe that I am doing particularly a lot of stuff. It is more that the creativity as a thing is something which have caught my interest since I have realized how important it is for us humans. It is about fulfillment. And because of that I really find bad art, in any form, very inspiring. How to manage to allow yourself to let something really bad out without shame is the admirable part of it. Ok, sometimes we all create something and let it out even though we are not particularly proud of it. But that is also admirable. 

To not get bored of what I am doing, I try to vary different artforms. And I guess the consequence is that I won’t ever become really good at anything. But learn a little bit about many different thing. And if I am traveling, changing environment and meeting new people constantly. It kind of feels like I can allow myself to let out different kind of stuff sometimes. It is just for fun anyways. I read somewhere that someone once told someone to only ever become a writer if you absolutely have to. It might have been Fitzgerald. It like that. It is not necessary a profession. But more a type of personality. 

Now a days they claim that traveling does make you more creative and that it is a fact that now has been scientifically proven. Here is a link to another blog that wrote an interesting article on the topic.

Enjoy! I believe that traveling and creativity is two of the most self-developing activities that there is it is. And it is something which I definitely want to encourage everyone to do if they can.  If they are of that type of personality who would enjoy it. Live your life to the fullest. I know how bad it can be to walk around and feel restricted.

Here are some photos I took of some inspiring art I randomly came across while out traveling. Artist unknown.


