Painting faces – Part 3 (Neil Young)

The next painting of famous faces which I made was depicting Neil Young. Who I many times have referred to as my hero. This since I started to look up to him as an artist from the first moment I heard him. I would say his strongest side is his “coolness”. Probably....

Painting faces – Part 2 (Scarface)

After painting the Marcel Proust – painting, I decided to try something more simpel and started look through my other book covers on the shelf without any luck. All images seemed too difficult to replicate with a pencil and paint. So then moving on to the film...

Twenty Twenty – About How I made this song.

I made a song. This is how I made it. I was in quarantine. Outside was mostly only sand. I had seen it before. I woke up one day and opened Logic Pro X on my computer and felt like making something. Actually I wanted to try to make a trap beat and checked some clip on...

Portugal – A travel article

Writing a traveling article about Portugal Portugal – A travel article. Having spent my latest two month in Portugal, I feel like that is something I could write about. I have a wish to make a little collection of traveling articles about different countries I...